LS-OPT는 LS-DYNA의 최적화 도구로서 디자인 스페이스를 쉽게 조사하고 최적 디자인을 찾는 환경을 제공합니다.
또한, 문제정의 시스템을 위한 솔루션도 함께 제공합니다. LS-OPT는 SRSM (Successive Response Surface Method)와 통계학적인 접근 (Robustness analysis)에 기반하고 있습니다.
- Optimization for highly non-linear problems
- Multidisciplinary optimization (MDO)
- Trade off studies
- Parameter identification
- Size optimization
- Shape optimization
- Sensitivity analysis
- Robustness studies
- Uncertainty investigations
- Successive response surface method
- Stochastic and probabilistic analysis
- Graphical user interface (GUI)
- Identification of significant and insignificant variables
- Comprehensive LS-DYNA interface
- Mathematical expressions for objectives or constraints to combine several responses
- Capable of running simulation on an arbitrary network
- Interface to LSF, PBS and Loadleveler
- Graphical viewing of optimization results